Our mission

Why Should You Chose ResilientDB?

The inception of Bitcoin and blockchain have renewed the vision of a democratic and decentralized computational paradigm, that is, to ingrain privacy, integrity, transparency, and accountability into the very fabric of the computational model. At the heart of this paradigm shift lies a family of Byzantine-tolerant consensus protocols, a classical distributed theory problem that has failed to fulfill the needs of high-performant modern applications. To close this gap, we have boldly re-imagined the entire blockchain fabric through a scale-centric lens in ResilientDB. We have re-architected and re-imagined modular system design from scratch that embeds parallelism and deep pipelining at every layer to fully exploit modern hardware and cloud infrastructure globally.

ResilientDB: A journey in Becoming

Global Scale Resilient Blockchain Fabric


ResilientDB with GeoBFT Global Consensus in 2019

Resilient TPS

Replicas Globally



ResilientDB with RCC Concurrent Consensus in 2020

Resilient TPS


ResilientDB with RingBFT Sharded Consensus in 2021

Resilient TPS
Resilient Latency (Seconds)




Replicas Globally
Our special way

ResilientDB Roadmap

January 2018
ResilientDB Vision
April 2018
Optimal Batching
September 2018
Deep Pipeline Architecture
December 2018
Parallel Runtime
March 2019
Advanced Transaction Processing Textbook

The Era of Hardware Specialization & Beyond

May 2019
Out-of-order Communication
July 2019
De-coupled Execution
September 2019
Off-Chain Management
November 2019
Release V1.0
December 2019
Reliable Cluster Sending
January 2020
Speculative Consensus
February 2020
Wait-free Consensus

Scale Up

April 2020
Delayed Replication
October 2020
Concurrent Consensus
November 2020
Linear Consensus
February 4, 2021
Authoritative Blockchain Textbook

One of a kind!

September 30, 2021
ResilientDB 3.0 and ExpoBlog Release
Winter 2022
SGX Accelerated Consensus

Dissecting BFT Consensus

September 30, 2022
NexRes: A New Sustainable Foundation

Architectural Rewrite of ResilientDB

Fall 2022
View-Change-Less Consensus
Spring 2023
Reconfigurable Ecosystem
Winter 2024
Planet Scale

10,000 Replicas


Parallel, Pipelined and Launches on a Click



Our dockerized implementation allows to easily launch the application and specify different parameters.


In-Memory Storage

Storing all meta-data and blockchain in-memory inside the replica, saving CPU cycles.


Secure Authentication

NIST recommened cryptographic constructs to prevent malicious attacks.

ResilientDB Architecture

Start Coding with ResilientDB


Have any questions?

What is ResilientDB?

ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric, which easily allows its users to set up a blockchain application.

What are the components of ResilientDB?

ResilientDB helps to lay down a client-server architecture where all the servers are a replica of each other. Each client sends its transaction (or a set of transactions) to a specific replica --> primary. The primary replica takes client transactions and runs a consensus protocol among all the replicas. This process ensures that each replica executes the client transactions in the same order.

What consensus protocol is used by ResilientDB?

At present, we employ the PBFT protocol by Castro and Liskov [1998] to achieve consensus among the replicas. We have also designed several efficient BFT protocols (under peer-review), which are not open-source.

What is blockchain here?

The key components of any blockchain application are: clients, replicas, chain, cryptographic constructs, and consensus. ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric, and hence, its design differs from the crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Unlike Bitcoin, where each miner solves a computationally expensive puzzle, and each miner needs some incentives to work, ResilientDB does not have such a requirement. ResilientDB runs the PBFT consensus protocol, which only requires message exchange among the participating replicas, to ensure each replica has an identical state.

How can I get access to other efficient BFT protocols?

Please contact us regarding details for a Premium package.

How can I see a demo of the ResilientDB??

How can I setup, run, or play with ResilientDB?

Please check out our ResilientDB github page for more details.



Mohammad Sadoghi
Principle Investigator
Our brain

Awesome Team

Suyash Gupta
Lead Architect
Sajjad Rahnama
Lead System Designer
Jelle Hellings
Complexity Theorist
Thamir Qadah
Concurrency Control Specialist
Kang Dakai
System Designer
Junchao Chen
NexRes Architect
Shesha Vishnu Prasad
NexRes Recovery Architect
Jinxiao Yu
Performance Analyst
Wayne Wang
Sharding Engineer
Arindaam Roy
Toolkit & Integration Engineer
Divjeet Singh Jas
dApp Lead Developer
Julieta Duarte
System Storage Engineer
Glenn Chen
System Storage Engineer
Seongwoo Choi
DevOp Support
Troy Insixiengmay
Mobile DApp Developer

Distinguished Alumni

Rohan Sogani
System Engineer
Priya Holani
System Engineer
Dhruv Krishnan
System Engineer
Shubham Pandey
System Engineer
Haojun (Howard) Zhu
System Engineer
Alejandro Armas
System Engineer